Monday, April 16, 2018

Judy's Horsey Shop. I do love horses.

Yup it was a horse that first took my heart. I've reached the age where I should be sitting back and just being an old lady but that's not how my world is turning. Social Security is for the birds. I mean literally. Now I'm building little shops. There's a lot of things I can't do any more but boy my fingers are still with me and my brain still goes 90 mph. At least with this idea, I can still put my skills to work digitally. Woohoo!
If you love horses the way I do, I know you'll love my designs. I only have a few but various items with the print on them and I'm adding every day, working as fast and hard as I can to add more more more
The shop is here
and don't ask me why because I don't know either but I made a separate shop just for horse loving kids. Again, I'm working to add more. That one is
And a sneak preview of some of the items. Some images were given to me by beautiful friends who happen to own the horses in 2 of the images.

Like I said, I'm adding more and I'm open to ideas or pics of your own pride and joy. If you have some ideas for me just leave a comment.  I think these are also the only 2 prints in the kids page too. I'm working as hard and fast as I can and I'll try to keep this updated as I go.